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Arhant Non-Life Insurances

This document provides information on the non-life insurance services offered by Arhant, including the endpoints for retrieving proforma details and completing payments.

Available Non-Life Insurance Services:

Insurance Company Service Slug Notes
Ajod Insurance ajod-insurance Obsolete. Merged with United Insurance. Use United Insurance API.
Everest Insurance everest-insurance Obsolete.
GIC Insurance gic-insurance Obsolete.
Lumbini General Insurance lumbini-general-insurance Merged with Sagarmatha Insurance API. Lumbini General Insurance is obsolete.
NLG Insurance nlg-insurance
Premier Insurance premier-insurance Obsolete. Merged with Siddhartha Insurance. Use Siddhartha Insurance API.
Sanima General Insurance sanima-general-insurance
Shikhar Insurance shikhar-insurance Obsolete.
Siddhartha Insurance siddhartha-insurance
United Insurance united-insurance


  • URL: {{base_url}}/api/servicegroup/details/arhant-non-life-insurance/
  • Method: POST

Request Parameters:

To get the proforma details, send a POST request with the following parameters:

    "token": "token",              
    "reference": "reference",      
    "proforma_no": "01458110",       
    "service_slug": "service_slug" 

Example Response:

The response provides detailed information about the proforma, such as premium amounts, insured details, and vehicle information.

    "success_message": "Proforma is valid",
    "request_id": 2176242,
    "proforma_no": "2176242",
    "class_name": "Motor,Third Party Motorcycle",
    "sum_insured": 0,
    "net_premium": 1700,
    "stamp_duty": 10,
    "vat_amount": 221,
    "subsidized_premium": 0,
    "total_premium": 1931,
    "vehicle_no": "NA 59 PA 2511",
    "insured": "Tanknath Pokharel,Hariwan-01, Sarlahi",
    "session_id": 20327,
    "status": true


  • URL: {{base_url}}/api/servicegroup/commit/arhant-non-life-insurance/
  • Method: POST

Request Parameters:

To finalize the payment, send a POST request with these parameters:

    "token": "token",               
    "reference": "reference",        
    "session_id": "session_id"     

Example Response:

The response confirms the transaction status and provides details about credits consumed and remaining.

    "status": true,
    "state": "Success",
    "message": "Successfully Completed Transaction",
    "extra_data": {},
    "detail": "Success",
    "credits_consumed": 4803,
    "credits_available": "xxxxxxxx",
    "id": 62849