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11.5 Surya Jyoti Life Insurance API

Note: Jyoti and Surya Life Insurance have merged. Please use the Surya Life Insurance API.


The Surya Jyoti Life Insurance API provides functionalities for retrieving policy details and processing payments for Surya Life Insurance policies. The API involves two main operations:

  1. Detail Fetch API: Retrieves detailed information about an insurance policy using the policy number and date of birth.

  2. Payment API: Processes payments for the insurance policy using the information retrieved from the Detail Fetch API.

Surya Jyoti Life Detail Fetch API

Request URL: {{base_url}}/api/servicegroup/details/surya-life-insurance/

Request Method: POST

Service Params:

    "token": "",
    "policy_no": "7000000019",
    "dob": "1988-02-21",
    "reference": ""

Success Response:

    "policy_no": "207001096",
    "plan_code": "71",
    "pay_mode": "YRLY",
    "name": "Ram Thakur",
    "premium_amount": 10211,
    "fine_amount": 85,
    "adjustment_amount": 0,
    "amount": "10296",
    "payment_date": "06/07/2023",
    "due_date": "20/05/2023",
    "next_due_date": "20/05/2024",
    "policy_status": "ACTIVE",
    "term": "15",
    "maturity_date": "20/05/2025",
    "session_id": 9470,
    "status": true

Error Response:

    "status": false,
    "error_code": "4000",
    "message": "Can't fulfill request",
    "error": "client_error",
    "details": "Invalid Date of Birth/Policy Number",
    "error_data": {},
    "state": "Error"

Overview: The Detail Fetch API retrieves comprehensive details about a specific insurance policy based on the policy number and date of birth. It provides information such as the policy number, premium amount, fine amount, due dates, and policy status.

Surya Jyoti Life Payment API

Request URL: {{base_url}}/api/servicegroup/commit/surya-life-insurance/

Request Method: POST

Service Params:

    "token": "",
    "session_id": "",
    "reference": "reference123",
    "amount": 1305

Success Response:

    "status": true,
    "state": "Success",
    "message": "Successfully Completed Transaction",
    "extra_data": {
        "customer_name": "Parbati Kunwar Karki",
        "fine_amount": 0.0,
        "adjustment_amount": 0.0,
        "premium_amount": 8430.0,
        "payment_date": "02/06/2020",
        "next_due_date": "20/05/2021",
        "policy_no": "111001524",
        "total_amount": 8430.0
    "detail": "Transaction Successful",
    "credits_consumed": 8430.0,
    "credits_available": 477719.77,
    "id": 85407

Error Response:

    "status": false,
    "error_code": "1011",
    "message": "Validation error",
    "error": "validation_error",
    "details": {
        "amount": "Invalid Amount"
    "error_data": {
        "amount": "Invalid Amount"
    "state": "Error"

Overview: The Payment API processes payments for a Surya Life Insurance policy. It requires details such as the session ID (from the Detail Fetch API), payment amount, and a unique reference identifier. On successful completion, it returns transaction details including customer name, payment date, and total amount. If there are issues, such as invalid payment amounts, the API will return an error response with relevant details.