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Version 2

Type: Multi-Step API

There are three types of users for whom this API is applicable:

  1. Package Switchable Users
    You will receive the package options in package_options.

    These users can switch their internet package.
    - Username: online_renew

  2. Package Switchable Users with Due Payment

    You will receive the package options in available_renew_options.

    • Users can switch their internet package and need to pay any outstanding dues.
    • If the subscribed_package_id is the same as the available_renew_options packageId, due payment will not be added to the total payable amount.
    • If the subscribed_package_id is different from the available_renew_options packageId, the due amount will be added to the total payable amount.

    • Username: online_due_and_package

  3. Package Non-Switchable Users with Due Payment
    These users have a due payment but cannot switch their package.

    • Username: online_due_payment

1. Detail Fetch API

Request URL: {{base_url}}/api/servicegroup/details/worldlink-v2/

Request Method: POST

Service Params:

  "token": "token", 
  "reference": "", 
  "username": "online_renew/online_due_payment" 


Responses vary depending on the type of user.

Response for Package Switchable Users

Example Response:

  "username": "online_renew",  
  "full_name": "Online Renew",  
  "subscribed_package_name": "Value Standard 25mbps/3mths 1TV (Renew)",  
  "subscribed_package_type": "Unlimited",  
  "subscribedPackageId": 1888314,
  "days_remaining": 0,  
  "message": "You have due payment.",  
  "package_options": [  
      "packageId": 1888117,  
      "packageName": "Fiber Smart home 2019-25mbps/3 mths(Renew)",  
      "packageRate": 4915,  
      "packageLabel": "Fiber Smart home 2019-25mbps/3 mths(Renew) [Rs. 4915]"  
      "packageId": 1888314,  
      "packageName": "Value Standard 25mbps/3mths 1TV (Renew)",  
      "packageRate": 4915,  
      "packageLabel": "Value Standard 25mbps/3mths 1TV (Renew) [Rs. 4915]"  
      "packageId": 1888118,  
      "packageName": "Fiber Smart home 2019-40mbps/3 mths(Renew)",  
      "packageRate": 5932,  
      "packageLabel": "Fiber Smart home 2019-40mbps/3 mths(Renew) [Rs. 5932]"  
      "packageId": 1888119,  
      "packageName": "Fiber Smart home 2019-60mbps/3 mths(Renew)",  
      "packageRate": 8475,  
      "packageLabel": "Fiber Smart home 2019-60mbps/3 mths(Renew) [Rs. 8475]"  
      "packageId": 1888123,  
      "packageName": "Fiber Smart home 2019-25mbps/12mths(Renew)",  
      "packageRate": 16272,  
      "packageLabel": "Fiber Smart home 2019-25mbps/12mths(Renew) [Rs. 16272]"  
      "packageId": 1888124,  
      "packageName": "Fiber Smart home 2019-40mbps/12mths(Renew)",  
      "packageRate": 19097,  
      "packageLabel": "Fiber Smart home 2019-40mbps/12mths(Renew) [Rs. 19097]"  
      "packageId": 1888125,  
      "packageName": "Fiber Smart home 2019-60mbps/12mths(Renew)",  
      "packageRate": 28250,  
      "packageLabel": "Fiber Smart home 2019-60mbps/12mths(Renew) [Rs. 28250]"  
  "renew_option": false,  
  "first_online_payment": false,  
  "amount_detail": [  
      "particular": "Internet",  
      "amount": 4915  
  "amount": 4915,  
  "session_id": 109,  
  "status": true  

Response for Package Switchable Users with Due Payment

Example Response:

    "username": "online_due_and_package",
    "account_type": "PERSONAL",
    "full_name": "online_due_and_package",
    "branch": "REGION2-NBU4",
    "subscribed_package_name": "BTL 120Mbps/12mths With 1TV New Year Dhamaka 079",
    "subscribed_package_type": "Unlimited",
    "subscribed_package_id": 1888768,
    "days_remaining": 0,
    "message": "You have due payment.",
    "package_options": [],
    "vatrefund_eligible": true,
    "available_renew_options": [
            "packageId": 18881068,
            "packageName": "WorldLink TurboSpeed Plus 150Mbps/12M\t",
            "packageRate": 13108,
            "packageLabel": "WorldLink TurboSpeed Plus 150Mbps/12M\t [Rs. 13108]",
            "recommendOrder": 1,
            "packageDuration": "365",
            "tvEligiblePackage": 0,
            "packageEligibility": false
            "packageId": 1888857,
            "packageName": "Smart Offer (1TV) 2079 200mbps/12mths",
            "packageRate": 16272,
            "packageLabel": "Smart Offer (1TV) 2079 200mbps/12mths [Rs. 16272]",
            "recommendOrder": 2,
            "packageDuration": "365",
            "tvEligiblePackage": 1,
            "packageEligibility": false
            "packageId": 1888767,
            "packageName": "BTL 120Mbps/3mths With 1TV New Year Dhamaka 079",
            "packageRate": 3220,
            "packageLabel": "BTL 120Mbps/3mths With 1TV New Year Dhamaka 079 [Rs. 3220]",
            "recommendOrder": 3,
            "packageDuration": "90",
            "tvEligiblePackage": 0,
            "packageEligibility": false
            "packageId": 1888668,
            "packageName": "Special BTL 120Mbps/mth (1TV)",
            "packageRate": 1356,
            "packageLabel": "Special BTL 120Mbps/mth (1TV) [Rs. 1356]",
            "recommendOrder": 4,
            "packageDuration": "30",
            "tvEligiblePackage": 0,
            "packageEligibility": false
            "packageId": 1888858,
            "packageName": "Smart Offer (1TV) 2079 250mbps/12mths",
            "packageRate": 16950,
            "packageLabel": "Smart Offer (1TV) 2079 250mbps/12mths [Rs. 16950]",
            "recommendOrder": 5,
            "packageDuration": "365",
            "tvEligiblePackage": 1,
            "packageEligibility": false
            "packageId": 18881115,
            "packageName": "New Smart Offer (1TV) 2081 200Mbps/6mths",
            "packageRate": 8927,
            "packageLabel": "New Smart Offer (1TV) 2081 200Mbps/6mths [Rs. 8927]",
            "recommendOrder": 6,
            "packageDuration": "180",
            "tvEligiblePackage": 0,
            "packageEligibility": false
            "packageId": 18881116,
            "packageName": "New smart Offer (1TV) 2081 200Mbps/24mths",
            "packageRate": 23041,
            "packageLabel": "New smart Offer (1TV) 2081 200Mbps/24mths [Rs. 23041]",
            "recommendOrder": 7,
            "packageDuration": "730",
            "tvEligiblePackage": 0,
            "packageEligibility": false
            "packageId": 1888768,
            "packageName": "BTL 120Mbps/12mths With 1TV New Year Dhamaka 079",
            "packageRate": 12204,
            "packageLabel": "BTL 120Mbps/12mths With 1TV New Year Dhamaka 079 [Rs.12204]",
            "tvEligiblePackage": 0,
            "packageEligibility": true,
            "packageDuration": 0,
            "recommendOrder": 0
    "renew_option": true,
    "due_amount_till_now": 301,
    "due_remarks": "used 9 days of BTL 120Mbps/12mths With 1TV New Year Dhamaka 079 (1888768)",
    "first_online_payment": false,
    "amount_detail": [
            "amount": 12204,
            "creditor": "worldlink",
            "particular": "Internet",
            "creditorPan": "300073250"
    "amount": 12204,
    "session_id": 22906,
    "status": true

Response for Package Non-Switchable Users with Due Payment

Example Response:

  "username": "online_due_payment",  
  "full_name": "Online Due Payment",  
  "branch": "MANIGRAM",  
  "subscribed_package_name": "Value Standard 25mbps/3mths 1TV (Renew)",  
  "subscribed_package_type": "Unlimited",  
  "days_remaining": 0,  
  "message": "You have due payment.",  
  "package_options": [],  
  "renew_option": false,  
  "first_online_payment": false,  
  "amount_detail": [  
      "particular": "Internet",  
      "amount": 4950  
  "amount": 4950,  
  "session_id": 224,  
  "status": true  

2. Payment API

Request URL: {{base_url}}/api/servicegroup/commit/worldlink-v2/

Request Method: POST

Service Params:

  "token": "token", 
  "session_id": "", 
  "amount": 4950,  
  "package_id": "",  // OPTIONAL - Required when a package is selected  
  "reference": "" 


Success Response:

  "status": true,  
  "state": "Success",  
  "message": "Successfully Completed Transaction",  
  "extra_data": {},  
  "detail": "Transaction successful",  
  "id": 5033  

Error Response:

  "status": false,  
  "error_code": "4000",  
  "message": "Can't fulfill request",  
  "error": "client_error",  
  "details": "Customer not found.",  
  "error_data": {},  
  "state": "Error"  