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KUKL Khanepani Customer Details Fetch

API Endpoint

URL: {{base_url}}/api/servicegroup/details/kukl/

Method: POST


The request must include the following body parameters:

Important Note:

  • If customer_code is provided, the connection_no should not be sent.
  • If connection_no is provided, the customer_code should not be sent.
  • One of these fields, customer_code or connection_no, is required but not both.

Example Request Body:

  "token": "{{token}}",
  "reference": "{{$guid}}",
  "counter": "1114:test-kukl",
  "customer_code": "1114003014"


  "token": "{{token}}",
  "reference": "{{$guid}}",
  "counter": "1114:test-kukl",
  "connection_no": "9352"


A successful response will return the following JSON format:

    "status": true,
    "customer_code": "1114013895",
    "connection_no": "123321323",
    "customer_name": "RABI MAN MANNANDHAR",
    "address": "DHOKA BAHAL",
    "area_no": "27-03-25GHA",
    "bill_month": "207809",
    "current_month_fine": 0,
    "total_advance_amount": 0,
    "amount": 141.85,
    "unapproved_adjustment": 123.12,
    "unapproved_penalty": 23.45,
    "minimum_payable_amount": 141.85,
    "session_id": 2630