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12. Ride

12.1. Tootle Topup

Tootle Fetch Detail API

Request URL: {{base_url}}/api/servicegroup/details/tootle/

Request Method: POST

Service Params:

  "token": "token provided",
  "app": "client/partner", 
  "number": "registered mobile number"

Note: Choose client for topping up the client application and partner for topping up the partner application.


    "name": "Smart Card Id",
    "slug": "",
    "pattern": "^([9][678][0-9]{8})$",
    "error_message": "Invalid ID"


  "product_identity": "D-31",
  "status": true,
  "gender": "Female",
  "number": "9841579738",
  "name": "Bina Laxmi Shrestha"

Fields: - product_identity: The unique identity of the product. - status: Indicates whether the API call was successful (true). - gender: The gender of the customer. - number: The registered mobile number of the customer. - name: The name of the customer.

Tootle Commit API

Request URL: {{base_url}}/api/servicegroup/commit/tootle/

Request Method: POST

Service Params:

  "token": "token provided",
  "product_identity": "obtained from detail API",
  "number": "registered mobile number",
  "amount": "amount to topup",
  "reference": "Unique reference id"


  "id": 3856,
  "state": "Success",
  "extra_data": {},
  "detail": {
    "message": "Tootle topped up successfully for user Bina"
  "status": true,
  "message": "Successfully Completed Transaction"

Fields: - id: The unique ID associated with the transaction. - state: The state of the transaction (Success). - extra_data: Any additional data related to the transaction. - detail: Additional details about the top-up, including a confirmation message. - status: Indicates whether the API call was successful (true). - message: A message indicating the result of the transaction (Successfully Completed Transaction).

This documentation provides the details for fetching user information and processing top-ups for the Tootle service.